Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Community Announcement

Conservative Candidate Fair and Straw Poll
Brought to you by: Tarrant Conservatives

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Legacy Church of Christ, 8801 Mid Cities Boulevard, N. Richland Hills
Grassroots Training 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Meet YOUR Candidates 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

This is THE event of the primary election season! Join us at the first ever Conservative Candidate Fair and Straw Poll. This is not your ordinary candidate forum…NO speeches, NO rhetoric! Politics pure and simple! This is your chance to meet local county candidates as well as state representatives. Meet candidates, discuss issues, and vote for your choices in the Straw Poll! The Straw Poll results will be published throughout Tarrant County!
Let those who seek office demonstrate why we, the people, should place faith in them. Your vote is an invitation into your life! Candidates will meet and directly speak to the people they want to represent…YOU! The Tarrant Conservatives want to bring the candidates to you!

It’s YOUR VOTE! Become an informed and motivated voter! Get Informed…Stay Involved!