Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Please check out my article on It's the first of a three part series that will shine some light on the GOP's relationship amongst young Hispanics.

In order for outreach/engagement initiatives to be successful we must 'accept' that certain perceptions exist about our Party. We need to focus, and move forward towards building, and in some cases re-building relationships. I strongly believe our relationship with Hispanic communities will strengthen over time, But I caution our Party in being too hasty and slapping together ineffective initiatives. We must be patient, realistic and inclusive.

Series: Young Hispanos and the GOP

Part 1: Accepting Young Hispanics Perceptions of the GOP
Part 2: Educating and Including Young Hispanos in the Political Process and their Civic Duties
Part 3: Mobilizing Young Hispanos while we continue to Promote their Education, Involvement and Inclusion in the Republican Party

Thank you!
Melissa Blair