Obama wants to change healthcare in America forever in two weeks! His plan to provide a government alternative to insurance will eventually squeeze out any free market plan!!! Please make a call to these key committee members (blue dog democrats) and encourage them to stand tall against the pressures of Obama. Let them know America is behind them!
If you have friends in GA, TN, IN, UT, LA, or AR please pass this information along and have them call their own Representative listed below. The bill remains active in the Committee of Energy and Commerce. It must get out of committee before it goes to the House floor for a vote. Make the call!
Here are the Blue Dog Democrats on this committee:
John Barrow, GA (202) 225-2823
Bart Gordon, TN (202) 225-4231
Baron Hill, IN (202) 226-6866
Jim Matheson, UT (202) 225-3011
Charlie Melancon, LA (202) 225-4031
Mike Ross, AR (202) 225-3772
Gracias Teri Garcia-Brown!