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You Would Be Forced To Participate In Government-Run Health Insurance. "Under a proposal favored by many Democrats, doctors who take Medicare patients would also have to participate in the new public plan. Democrats say that requirement is needed to make sure the public plan can go into business right away with a large network of doctors." (Robert Pear, "Doctors' Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan," The New York Times, 6/10/09)
Your Treatments Could Be Decided By Government Boards. "Skeptics ... say Obama's decision to invest heavily in such research will lead to European-style rationing in which patients are denied lifesaving therapies to save money. It also has alarmed some drug companies and medical device manufacturers, which fear that a system of winners and losers is bound to reduce their bottom lines." (Ceci Connolly, "Comparison Shopping For Medicine," The Washington Post, 3/17/09)
Your Ability To Have Ownership In Your Hospital Would Be Restricted At Best, Taken Away At Worst. "The bill would ... prohibit physician ownership in hospitals that are new as of Jan. 1, 2009, grandfather the ownership structures of all physician-owned hospitals existing prior to 2009 and allow for growth of existing physician-owned hospitals within certain parameters." (Adjoa Adofo, Michael Teitelbaum and Kate Davidson, "HR 3200: CQ Bill Analysis," Congressional Quarterly, Accessed 8/19/09)
For The First Time, Your Practice Would Be Forced To Disclose Certain Business Transactions Or Pay Heavy Fines. "In the case where an applicable manufacturer or distributor provides a payment or other transfer of value to an entity or individual at the request of or designated on behalf of a covered recipient, the manufacturer or distributor shall disclose that payment or other transfer of value under the name of the covered recipient. Failure to report... shall be subject to a civil money penalty of not less than $1,000, but not more than $10,000, for each payment or other transfer of value or ownership or investment interest not reported...The total amount of civil money penalties imposed under subparagraph (A) with respect to each annual submission of information under subsection (a) by an applicable manufacturer or distributor or other entity shall not exceed $150,000 ..." (H.R. 3200, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act," Introduced 7/14/09)
Your Practice Would Be Hit With Large Tax Increases On Small Businesses To Pay For Government-Run Health Care. "Obama's plan to raise the top tax rate from 35% to 39%, combined with the health care surtax, would mean top-earning households are keeping 17% less of their income after paying taxes ... High tax rates have serious economic consequences ...They also shrink the size of the tax base, raise less revenue than some might think, and overly burden the entrepreneurial sector." (Robert Carroll, "The Economic Costs Of High Tax Rates," Tax Foundation, 7/29/09)
Less Income Could Force You To Lay Off Your Fellow Doctors, Nurses & Assistants. "This [surtax] would hit job creators especially hard because more than six of every 10 who earn that much are small business owners, operators or investors, according to a 2007 Treasury study ... America's successful small businesses would pay higher tax rates than the Fortune 500, and for that matter than most companies around the world ... " (Editorial, "The Small Business Surtax," The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
No Medical Liability Reform In Dems' Plans, Exposing You To More Frivolous Lawsuits And Driving Up Costs Of Care You Provide. "And Dr. J. James Rohack, the incoming president of the medical association, said Mr. Obama told him at a meeting last month that he was open to offering some liability protection to doctors ... doctors complain that 'defensive medicine' -- ordering tests and procedures out of fear of being sued -- drives up health costs ... On Capitol Hill, Democrats drafting health legislation have so far shown little appetite for tackling the liability issue." (Sheryl Gay Stolberg And Robert Pear, "Obama Open To Reining In Medical Suits," The New York Times, 6/15/09)
Government-Run Health Care Could Ultimately Drive You Out Of Business. "According to Dr. Scott Nelson, a family practice physician in Cleveland, Miss. ... 'There is an unprecedented leve l of frustration with the government and Medicare in Mississippi,' Nelson explained. 'I have not heard of any doctors in my area opting out of Medicare, because there are not enough patients with private insurance in the rural Mississippi Delta ... we have no choice but to see them ... I foresee some small practices closing altogether.'" (Audrey Grayson, "Docs Bailing Out Of Medicare, Medicaid," ABC News Medical Unit, 7/8/08)